Moonlighting Check
The multi-occupation screening check that utilises Open Banking to verify the number of jobs an individual may be undertaking in a specific time-period
What is Moonlighting?
‘Employee Moonlighting’ is generally defined as someone having additional employment to their primary job. It’s no surprise that Moonlighting Checks have faced increasing attention during the last couple of years, with both the cost-of-living crisis and evolving flexible-working environments contributing to the Second-job surge.
But there are ways that a Moonlighting Check can help manage Employee Moonlighting, that supports the wellbeing of both the individual and your organisation.

The Key Considerations
It’s important to know that Employee Moonlighting is not illegal in the UK. Organisations can implement non-compete and Moonlighting policies to help manage any risks associated, but it is not compulsory to have.
For many, multiple occupations are a necessity for one reason or another, and organisations have a moral duty of care to those employees to ensure there is a safe space to be honest about that. Without that transparency, there are risks that stand to impact both the employee and the employer...
- Negative impact on an employee’s wellbeing, including:
- Chronic stress & other health risks
- Poor work-life balance
- Conflicts of Interest:
- Data misuse, or leaked company information to competitors
- Misuse of company resources
- Impact on organisation’s overall productivity & performance
All of these factors can lead to higher rates of staff absenteeism and poor business performance, which not only impacts the wellbeing of your people, but can cost your business money.
What is a Moonlighting Check?
Our Moonlighting Check is a multi-occupation screening assessment that utilises Open Banking to verify an individual’s employment and/or income details and is fully GDPR compliant.
How does it work?
Open Banking is used to access data safely & securely from candidates’ bank account, shared only with the candidate's consent. We use the data to identify income sources, highlighting earnings that appear from another source other than the primary employer.
What are the Benefits of Employing a Moonlighting Check?
A Moonlighting Check is designed to ensure that your employees are disclosing any secondary employments, which can help communications between your organisation and your employees to become more transparent and effective, which can help contribute to...
- Improving Employee Wellbeing Management
- Helping to Reduce Employee Absenteeism
- Mitigating Risk of Sensitive Information Leaks
- Identifying any Conflicts of Interest
- Improving Employee and Business Productivity
- Enhancing your Employee Rescreening Process
Getting started with Moonlighting Checks couldn't be easier.
Simply purchase case-by-case Moonlighting Checks via the button below, or for more information use the contact form at the bottom of this page to connect with our team.

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